The Leonard Firm is thrilled to announce that Founding Shareholder, Katie K. Leonard, has been admitted to fellowship in the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). Members of this national organization are recognized as preeminent family law practitioners with the highest levels of knowledge, skill and integrity. To be represented by...

Canine Custody- Who Will Get the Dog? By: Brooke Ezell, Esq. Going through a divorce comes with a multitude of challenges muddled with constant give and take. Questions like, “Who is getting the house?”, “Who is going to pay that credit card?”, “Where are the children going to live?” are unavoidable. For some families, which...

Like many services and professions, family law practice has been significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. On March 14, 2020, the Supreme Court of Georgia declared a statewide Judicial Emergency placing extensive restrictions on courthouse operations. Many courts were closed early in the pandemic, but some managed to continue operations remotely through the use of...

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?  As we approach the holiday season, families are gearing up for their many annual traditions. Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas Eve, are supposed to be such joyful occasions—unless you are contemplating a divorce. You are naturally riddled with questions: “Is this the right time?” “What will Thanksgiving look like?”...

Hot Tips for Surviving Divorce During COVID  Like many things, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a drastic impact on the practice of law. For months, the courthouses were virtually closed with no end in sight. For divorcing families, this has been an especially hard blow. When things were “normal,” divorce lawyers kept the peace by...

How to Hire a Divorce Lawyer You have been married for several years. You have a home, a beautiful family, and everything is going seemingly well. All of a sudden, your spouse wants a divorce. Your spouse has hired a lawyer and has filed paperwork with the court. What do you do? If you are...