The Leonard Firm focuses on moving your case forward strategically and with purpose. We have a full-service family law practice that represent family law clients from all walks of life and handle matters from the simple to the complex.

We concentrate on serving individuals and families with a wide range of domestic and family law issues, regardless of whether you intend to settle your case or go to trial. We handle matters related to all facets of divorce and separation, child custody, financial support, division of property and debt, and family violence. We can also help you plan for a marriage or divorce with a prenuptial agreement or a post-nuptial agreement.

Our client-centered focus allows us to be more thorough and knowledgeable about the details of your case than the general practice firms or firms who assign multiple lawyers to your case. More importantly, we advocate effectively for our clients so that they can focus on what matters most — taking care of their families while planning for their future.

Our family law practice areas include:
  • Divorce. One of the most common reasons individuals in Georgia seek our services. The dissolution of a marriage is a complex legal process that requires an understanding of divorce laws and a plan for how issues in a divorce will be resolved.
  • Property Division. This issue refers to the classification of assets and debts as “marital” or separate,” and a determination as to how marital property will be divided between the spouses. Georgia law provides that all marital property must be divided in a manner that is “equitable” to both parties, not necessarily equal.
  • Spousal Support. If couples separate, one party to the marriage/divorce may be responsible for paying spousal support, also called alimony, to the other. There are many factors influencing an award of alimony including each party’s respective needs, the lifestyle during the marriage, the ages of the parties, and the jurisdiction.
  • Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements. Before parties of a marriage decide to tie the knot, or once they have married but want to protect their respective rights in the event of a divorce, they may decide to enter a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement.  These agreements outline what would happen to the couple’s assets in the event of a dissolution of marriage or death of one party.
  • Child Custody. Perhaps one of the most challenging issues for divorcing parents to resolve is that of child custody. The Leonard Firm is here to help you understand the different types of child custody arrangements available, what your rights are when seeking child custody, and what factors the court considers when making a decision about child custody.
  • Establishment of Legitimation and Paternity. Before a father can have any legal rights as they pertain to his child, including the right legal or physical custody of a child, he must legitimate his relationship.. Paternity, in contrast, refers to establishment of a biological relationship that creates a child support obligation, but not necessarily custody rights.
  • Family Violence and Orders of Protection. If you are the victim of domestic violence, you should protect yourself and other potential victims by seeking a temporary retraining order. We can assist you in the filing of the appropriate court forms and managing the hearing process.

If you have questions about any of these issues or other issues specific to your case, please give us a call. We have seen it before, and we can help.

            CHILD CUSTODY